This study was just published in open access in the Volume 7 Issue 10 of BMJ Open Journal. The authors, Samiratou Ouédraogo, Valéry Ridde, Nicole Atchessi, Aurélia Souares, Jean-Louis Koulidiati, Quentin Stoeffler and Maria-Victoria Zunzunegui aimed to identify what makes someone indigent beyond being recognised by the community as needing a card for free healthcare. (more…)
Fondation Pierre Fabre will organize its 4th annual conference, entitled “TOWARDS UNIVERSAL HEALTH COVER IN AFRICA: ACHIEVEMENTS, CHALLENGES AND PROSPECTS” on October 3, 2017. Valéry Ridde will take part and speak in the afternoon around the second round table of the day on the issue of financing universal health coverage.(more…)
This blog post written by Lara Gautier was published today on the BMC Series Blog.
A review published today in BMC Global Health Research and Policy explores whether governments have ownership of the policy making process in health financing in Sub-Saharan Africa and what exactly this ownership means. Here to discuss this and the influence of external donors in health financing policies is author of the review, Lara Gautier.
This case study examines the policy process behind the introduction of performance-based financing program in Cameroon. The article was published in Globalization and Health Journal on August 1st, 2017, and was written by Isidore Sieleunou, Anne-Marie Turcotte-Tremblay, Jean-Claude Taptué Fotso, Denise Magne Tamga, Habakkuk Azinyui Yumo, Estelle Kouokam and Valery Ridde.(more…)