Extension publications and misconceptions

Access to healthcare for vulnerable groups in West Africa

Knowledge transfer - Extension publications and misconceptions

Sans titre

Ridde, V., & Queuille, L. (2010). L’exemption du paiement : un pas vers l’accès universel aux soins de santé - Expériences pilotes au Burkina Faso. Download

All sheets (french only) :


Ridde, V., & Queuille, L. (2013). Idée reçue 3 : les soins gratuits deresponsabilisent les populations et ne sont pas valorisés. Download
Ridde, V., & Queuille, L. (2013). Idée reçue 9 : “Les États africains n’ont pas les moyens de s’offrir la gratuité des soins !” (pp. 2012–2013). Download
Ridde, V., & Queuille, L. (2013). Idée reçue 7 : “Rendre les accouchements gratuits va provoquer une hausse des naissances !” Download
Ridde, V., & Queuille, L. (2013). Idée reçue 8 : “Les États africains ne sont pas capable de mettre en oeuvre la gratuité des soins !” Download
Ridde, V., & Queuille, L. (2013). Idée reçue 4 : “Quand les soins sont gratuits, la qualité est mauvaise !” Download
Ridde, V., & Queuille, L. (2013). Gratuité des soins en Afrique subsaharienne : en finir avec certaines idées reçues. OXFAM / CRCHUM / HELP. Download
Ridde, V., & Queuille, L. (2013). Idée reçue 2 : “La gratuité des soins ne profite pas a ceux qui en ont le plus besoin !” Download
Ridde, V., & Queuille, L. (2013). Idée reçue 6 : “La gratuité de soins entraîne la faillite des centres de santé !” Download
Ridde, V., & Queuille, L. (2013). Idée reçue 1 : “Il faut absolument une participation financière, aussi infime soit-elle !” Download
Ridde, V., & Queuille, L. (2013). Idée reçue 5 : “La gratuité des soins entraîne une surcharge de travail insurmontable pour le personnel de santé !” Download

Financing and access to health care in West Africa: empirical data, cartoons and received ideas.

Made by the designer Glez, this series of cartoon focuses on preconceived ideas that people can have about the implementation of free health care and health insurance coverage in Sub-Saharan Africa.

You will find under the flipbook a gallery of the caricatural pictures which the flipbook is made of and on the left of the page a complete brochure introducing a series of nine sheets aiming to show with evidences, how certain ideas about the principle of free care we regularly hear in the context of our knowledge transfer activities are lazy thoughts.



Flipbook: Healthcare financing and access in West Africa: Empirical and satirical!

Research fight against dengue

Recherches et interventions communautaires pour l'équité en santé au Burkina Faso

Axes de recherche et d'intervention

First Québec cross-disciplinary group devoted to studying knowledge transfer (KT) in the field of social interventions, specifically with regard to educational, health and community services.

First Québec cross-disciplinary group devoted to studying knowledge transfer (KT) in the field of social interventions, specifically with regard to educational, health and community services.



Canadian Institute of Health Research

The knoledge broker’s blog (french)

Lutte contre la Dengue

Dans un contexte où le paludisme impose un fardeau énorme à la population et au système de santé, la prise de conscience en 2013 des autorités envers la dengue et autres épisodes fébriles non paludiques, doit être prise au sérieux. La similitude des symptômes, l’absence de moyens de diagnostiques dans les centres de santé et le manque de connaissance à ce sujet est préoccupante. Cet axe a pour objectif d’accompagner les décideurs nationaux en leur fournissant des données probantes sur la présence de la Dengue et de son vecteur et en les accompagnants concernant des stratégie de formation des professionnels de santé et d’interventions de santé publique.

Ecouter l’émission de RFi du lundi 7 avril 2014 – Journée mondiale de la santé: les maladies vectorielles


V. Ridde, I. Agier, E. Bonnet, M. Carabali, R. Dabiré, T. Druetz, F. Fournet, A. Ly, C. Ocampo, B. Parra. (2014). La Dengue au Burkina Faso: pas de panique, mais soyons prudents. Download


Other research axis

Research and community-based interventions for health equity in Burkina Faso

Axes de recherche et d'intervention

First Québec cross-disciplinary group devoted to studying knowledge transfer (KT) in the field of social interventions, specifically with regard to educational, health and community services.

First Québec cross-disciplinary group devoted to studying knowledge transfer (KT) in the field of social interventions, specifically with regard to educational, health and community services.



Canadian Institute of Health Research

The knoledge broker’s blog (french)

Other research axis

Fight Against Malaria

This axis aims to assess the national policy in the fight against malaria and its interaction with interventions aiming to exempt payment of healthcare for children under the age of five (in some districts). A population survey in 2013 will assess the effects of these interventions on the health status of children less than five years of age.

 Publications to come

Insurance and Poverty

For many years, the government of Burkina Faso has shown interest in establishing universal health coverage including national health insurance. This research axis aims to support this change by namely evaluating public support concepts underlying the implementation of compulsory coverage and examining the policies that have been formulated and implemented specifically for those in need.

  Publications to come

Funding Based on the Results and Equity

The Ministry of Health has established an incentive system in early 2014 regarding the funding of health facilities based on their performance in 15 districts of the country. They added an equity section to this process to organize a community targeting system of the poor individuals in these districts to offer a free healthcare component. This research axis aims to participate in the evaluation of this intervention and more specifically in its emergence, establishment, implementation and its potential for improvement.

  Publications to come

Maternal Health

The national policy of price subsidy of birth deliveries has contributed to the increase in maternal health services. However, the removal of financial barriers can also cause an unnecessary recourse to caesarean sections. This axis aims to assess whether this has been the case and to assist health professionals in their training so as to better target the needs of pregnant women. The use of mobile phone technology will be considered in interventions that will be implemented.

 Publications to come



Research and community-based interventions for health equity in Burkina Faso

Axis of research and intervention


First Québec cross-disciplinary group devoted to studying knowledge transfer (KT) in the field of social interventions, specifically with regard to educational, health and community services.

First Québec cross-disciplinary group devoted to studying knowledge transfer (KT) in the field of social interventions, specifically with regard to educational, health and community services.



Canadian Institute of Health Research

The knoledge broker’s blog (french)

Research and community-based interventions for health equity in Burkina Faso

This program takes place in Burkina Faso, given that the country is at the end of the classification of the Human Development Index – measured under the United Nations Program for Development (2010) – and its indicators of health and equity health are alarming. This suggests that the objectives of the Millennium Development Goals will not be achieved in 2015. However, the Commission on Social Determinants of Health of the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Bank and the Countdown to 2015 Core Group have provided an overview of theoretically effective interventions to improve health equity. In addition, a recent review shows that nearly 90% of interventions that follow a participatory and community process have beneficial effects on the population. However, if the content of these interventions is described in international reports, the conditions for their implementation and their effectiveness in natural experiments are still very poorly understood. Several meta-analyses show that the potential effectiveness of interventions is subjected to multiple reduction factors often exceeding 50%. This is especially true in Africa, where there is very little research on the subject. Furthermore, according to WHO, these interventions are rarely carried out in Burkina Faso.

The aim of the program is to document the effectiveness and the procedures of promising community-based interventions to improve health equity in the context of one of the world’s poorest countries. The primary objective is to evaluate community-based interventions that are currently underway in the health district of Kaya and that have been selected by the program’s stakeholders (researchers, practitioners, policy makers, communities) in a preliminary participatory planning process. The aim would be to provide evidence of their effectiveness regarding health equity. The second objective would be to articulate, implement and evaluate the best practices of community interventions favoring equity, based on the work and results of experiments using a participatory approach. It will also be important to take action and conduct research in accordance with ethical principles and negotiated partnership approaches with stakeholders, while having due regard to the application of the knowledge produced.

Evaluative research will be undertaken both on community interventions that are underway as well as on those created within the program. This project comprises several scientific assets that favor socially and scientifically relevant knowledge including:

  •  Intervention heterogeneity (nutrition, malaria, financial protection, family planning, etc.);
  • Intervention temporality (before 2012, during the program);
  • Variety of assessment type (impact, equity, process, sustainability, scalability);
  • Variety of methods of assessment (quantitative, qualitative, mixed);
  • Existence of a research infrastructure with exceptional population data for the region (demographic surveillance system with a panel of 50,000 people since 2007)

This program is also an opportunity to experience and evaluate the best research practices and potential interventions that could favor equity. These new practices will allow to meet the needs of knowledge in the following areas:

  •  Practice of collaborative research (North/South partnerships and relationships between researchers, stakeholders, policy makers, and community partnership);
  • Development and evaluation of a code of ethics;
  • Knowledge application through the implementation and evaluation of a strategy for knowledge brokering;
  • Identification of new community-based interventions aimed to improve health equity.

Finally, this project will advance the state of knowledge regarding three methodological developments:

  • The use of geographic information systems for health equity;
  • The use of a realistic approach in terms of evaluation;
  • The analysis of the impact of profits using a method allowing to evaluate the effects of an intervention without resorting to external standards of success

The interdisciplinary aspect of this program is guaranteed through the mobilization of researchers from different disciplines (anthropology, social sciences, geography) and experts in complementary fields (public health, evaluation, knowledge transfer, nutrition).


Ridde, V., Agier, I., Bonnet, E., Carabali, M., Dabiré, K. R., Fournet, F., … Parra, B. (2016). Presence of three dengue serotypes in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso): research and public health implications. Infectious Diseases of Poverty, 5(23). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40249-016-0120-2 Download
De Allegri, M., Tiendrebéogo, J., Müller, O., Yé, M., Jahn, A., & Ridde, V. (2015). Understanding home delivery in a context of user fee reduction: a cross-sectional mixed methods study in rural Burkina Faso. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 15(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12884-015-0764-0 Download
Dagenais, C., Mc Sween-Cadieux, E., & Somé, P.-A. (2015, November). L’importance du transfert de connaissances. Presented at the telier de restitution de la recherche « Traumatismes des accidents de la route à Ouagadougou », Institut Supérieur des Sciences de la Population, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Download
Zongo, S., Caravali, M., & Ridde, V. (2015, November). Les tests rapides de la dengue, une opportunité de renforcement des capacités des soignants face à une maladie infectieuse émergente au Burkina Faso . Presented at the 22ème Conférence Canadienne de Santé Mondiale, Montréal. Download
Bonnet, E., Fillol, A., Nikiema, A., Ouedraogo, M., Lechat, L., & Ridde, V. (2015, November 1). Se protéger en circulation réduit la gravité des blessures. Institut de Recherche pour le Développement. Download
Bonnet, E., Fillol, A., Nikiema, A., Sidebega, S., Ouedraogo, M., Lechat, L., & Ridde, V. (2015, November 1). Comment réduire les accidents de la route et les traumatismes à Ouagadougou ? Institut de Recherche pour le Développement. Download
Bonnet, E., Fillol, A., Nikiema, A., Ouedraogo, M., Lechat, L., & Ridde, V. (2015, November 1). De la prise en charge à la guérison des victimes d’accidents de la route : des parcours parfois (trop) longs et coûteux. Institut de Recherche pour le Développement. Download
Munoz, M., Ridde, V., Yaro, S., & Bottger, C. (2015). Beyond Ebola: surveillance for all hemorrhagic fever in West Africa should be enhanced. Pan African Medical Journal, Supp 1: Ebola in West Africa. Before, now and then(3), 22. https://doi.org/10.11694/pamj.supp.2015.22.1.5837
Abdou Illou, M. M., Haddad, S., Agier, I., & Ridde, V. (2015). The elimination of healthcare user fees for children under five substantially alleviates the burden on household expenses in Burkina Faso. MC Health Services Research, 15, 313. https://doi.org/doi:10.1186/s12913-015-0957-2 Download
Somé, P. A., Dagenais, C., & Ridde, V. (2015, August). Analyse de la perception des acteurs sur l’efficacité des activités de partage de connaissances produites par des chercheurs en santé. Presented at the 3èmes journées scientifiques du CRSN, Nouna, Burkina Faso. Download
Lechat, L., Ridde, V., Queuille, L., & Bonnet, E. (2015, July). Recherche Action sur la pertinence d’un SVI gratuit pour améliorer la gouvernance en santé au Burkina Faso. Presented at the 3èmes journées scientifiques de Nouna, Nouna, Burkina Faso. Download
Bonnet, E., Lechat, L., Ouedraogo, M., Kabré, T., Djiguindé, A., Nikiéma, A., & Ridde, V. (2015, July). Les accidents de la route : l’épidémie négligée. Comment surveiller et évaluer les conséquences des accidents de la route au Burkina Faso ? Presented at the 3èmes journées scientifiques de Nouna, Nouna, Burkina Faso. Download
Carabali, M., Hernandez, L. M., Jose Arauz, M., Villar, L. A., & Ridde, V. (2015). Why are people with dengue dying? A scoping review of determinants for dengue mortality. BMC Infectious Diseases, (15). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12879-015-1058-x Download
Agier, I., & Ridde, V. (2015, May). Introduction des smartphones dans la collecte quantitative pour l’évaluation. Presented at the Congrès national 2015 de la Société canadienne d’évaluation (SCÉ), Montréal, Canada. Download
Bonnet, E., Lechat, L., Ouedraogo, M., Kabré, T., Djiguindé, A., Nikiéma, A., & Ridde, V. (2015, May). Principaux enseignements issus de la recherche dans le domaine de la sécurité routière en Afrique. Presented at the Forum Africain sur la Sécurité Routière, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Retrieved from http://www.equitesante.org/principaux-enseignements-issus-de-la-recherche-dans-le-domaine-de-la-securite-routiere-en-afrique/ Download
Robert, E. (2015, May). Supprimer les paiements directs des soins en Afrique subsaharienne. Soutenance de thèse, Montréal, Canada. Download
Bonnet, E., Zombré, D., & Ridde, V. (2015, May). Évaluer les inégalités territoriales de l’exemption des paiements sur le recours aux soins au Burkina Faso. Retrieved from http://www.equitesante.org/evaluer-les-inegalites-territoriales-de-lexemption-des-paiements-sur-le-recours-aux-soins-au-burkina-faso/
Fillol, A., Bonnet, E., Bassolé, J., & Ridde, V. (2015, May). L’autopsie sociale pour étudier les déterminants sociaux des accidents de la circulation à Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: étude pilote. Retrieved from http://www.equitesante.org/lautopsie-sociale-pour-etudier-les-determinants-sociaux-des-accidents-de-la-circulation-a-ouagadougou-burkina-faso-etude-pilote/
Fillol, A., Bonnet, E., Kaboré, A., Bassolé, J., & Ridde, V. (2015, May). Offrir une prise en charge médicale aux patients non accompagnés dans les services d’urgence des hôpitaux au Burkina Faso : l’engagement de l’association « Contact Hors Limites (CHL) ». Chaire REALISME. Download
Druetz, T., Ridde, V., Kouanda, S., Ly, A., Diabaté, S., & Haddad, S. (2015). Utilization of community health workers for malaria treatment: results from a three-year panel study in the districts of Kaya and Zorgho, Burkina Faso. Malaria Journal, 14(1), 71. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12936-015-0591-9 Download
Dagenais, C., Lane, J., & Somé, T. D. (2015, January). Le transfert de connaissances : favoriser des pratiques et des politiques fondées sur la recherche. Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso. Retrieved from http://www.equitesante.org/le-transfert-de-connaissances-favoriser-des-pratiques-et-des-politiques-fondees-sur-la-recherche/
Dagenais, C., Somé, T. D., Boileau-Falardeau, M., Mc Sween-Cadieux, E., & Ridde, V. (2015). Collaborative development and implementation of a knowledge brokering program to promote research use in Burkina Faso, West Africa. Global Health Action 2015, (8). Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/gha.v8.26004 Download
Thomas Druetz, Kadidiatou Kadio, Slim Haddad, Seni Kouanda, Valéry Ridde. (2015). Do community health workers perceive mechanisms associated with the success of community case management of malaria? A qualitative study from Burkina Faso. Social Science & Medicine, Volume 124, 232–240. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2014.11.053 Download
Emmanuel Bonnet, David Zombré, Bertrand Meda, Valéry Ridde. (2014, November). Spatial analyses for assessing health interventions. Presented at the ITM Colloquium 2014, The Human Factor – Social science in global health research, Antwerp. Download
Nicole Atchessi, Valéry Ridde, Maria-Victoria Zunzunégui. (2014). Is the process for selecting indigents to receive free care in Burkina Faso equitable? BMC Public Health 2014. https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2458-14-1158
Kadidiatou Kadio, Valery Ridde, Yamba Kafando, Aboubacar Ouédraogo. (2014, October). Social protection in health in Burkina Faso : analysis of a solidarity program to provide the poorest people with health insurance. Poster. Retrieved from http://www.equitesante.org/social-protection-in-health-in-burkina-faso-analysis-of-solidarity-program-to-provide-the-poorest-people-with-health-insurance/ Download
Druetz T, Ridde V, Kouanda S, Ly A, Diabaté S, Haddad S. (2014, October). Effectiveness of community case management of malaria in Burkina Faso: Results form a natural experiment. Poster. Retrieved from http://www.equitesante.org/effectiveness-of-community-case-management-of-malaria-in-burkina-faso-results-form-natural-experiment/ Download
Renaud Boulanger, Matthew Hunt, Valéry Ridde. (2014, June). Towards a health ethics policy framework to analyse user fee exemptions. Presented at the 12th World Congress of Bioethics, Mexico. Retrieved from http://www.equitesante.org/towards-health-ethics-policy-framework-to-analyse-user-fee-exemptions/
Some, D. T. (2014). Lettre du courtier (année 1, no1). Ouagadougou. Download
Bicaba, A., D Somé, T., Mc Sween-Cadieux, E., Ridde, V., Dagenais, C., & Boileau-Falardeau, M. (2014, août). Le courtage de connaissances pour promouvoir l’utilisation de la recherche au Burkina Faso. Retrieved from http://www.equitesante.org/courtage-de-connaissances-promouvoir-lutilisation-recherche-au-burkina-faso/
V. Ridde, I. Agier, E. Bonnet, M. Carabali, R. Dabiré, T. Druetz, F. Fournet, A. Ly, C. Ocampo, B. Parra. (2014, juin). La Dengue au Burkina Faso: pas de panique, mais soyons prudents. Download
Some, D. T. (2014). Lettre du courtier (année 1, no2). Ouagadougou. Download
Druetz, T., Ridde, V., & Haddad, S. (2014). The divergence between community case management of malaria and renewed calls for primary healthcare. Critical Public Health, (February 2014), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.1080/09581596.2014.886761 Download
Bonnet, E., Nikiema, A., & Lechat, L. (2014). Développer un système de surveillance des accidents de la route à Ouagadougou pour en diminuer le fardeau. Download
Beatriz Parra, Mabel Carabali, Bertrand Meda, Antarou Ly, Emmanuel Bonnet, Florence Fournet, Roch K. Dabiré, Clara B. Ocampo, Seni Kuanda, Isabelle Agier, Valéry Ridde. (2014). Presence of three dengue serotypes in Ouagadougou,Burkina Faso and its public health implications. Download
Antarou Ly, Mabel Carabali, Beatriz Parra, Thomas Druetz, Emmanuel Bonnet, Isabelle Agier, Seni Kouanda, Slim Haddad, Valéry Ridde. (2014). Presence of dengue fever in semi-urban areas of two health districts in Burkina Faso. Download
Béland, D., & Ridde, V. (2014). Ideas and policy implementation: understanding the resistance against free health care in Africa. Les Cahiers Du CIRDIS, (2014, January), 1–22. Download
Some, D. T., Ridde, V., & Dagenais, C. (2014). Les politiques de subvention/exemption de paiement au Burkina Faso. Download
Some, D. T., Lane, J., Ridde, V., Dagenais, C., & Chiocchio, F. (2014). Comment stimuler l’utilisation de la moustiquaire imprégnée d’insecticide au Burkina Faso ? (pp. 1–4). Download
Druetz, T., Siekmans, K., Goossens, S., Ridde, V., & Haddad, S. (2013). The community case management of pneumonia in Africa: a review of the evidence. Health Policy and Planning, 1–14. https://doi.org/10.1093/heapol/czt104 Download
Agier, I., Kadio, K., & Ridde, V. (2013, November). Solidarité et Subventions croisées pour le financement de l’assurance santé du Burkina Faso : des concepts compris par les populations de Kaya mais des inquiétudes sur leur mise en oeuvre. Download
Kadio, K. (2013). Perception de l’entraide et de la solidarité de la part d’indigents provenant de ménages du quintile le plus riche du district sanitaire d’Ouargaye, au Burkina Faso. In SANTÉ MATERNELLE ET ACCÈS AUX SOINS EN AFRIQUE DE L’OUEST (pp. 187–207). Download
Somé, T. D., & Dagenais, C. (2013, March). Que faire pour augmenter l’adhésion aux mutuelles de santé au Burkina Faso ? Download
Valérie Farquet. (2013). Enquête qualité sur les prescriptions dans les centres de santé au Burkina Faso. Download
Meda, I. B., Ridde, V., & Haddad, S. (2013). Les effets de la gratuité des accouchements sur la fréquentation des centres de santé au Burkina. Download
Zombré, D., Haddad, S., & Ridde, V. (2013). L’utilisation des données longitudinales de routine pour l’évaluation de la performance des soins de santé primaires : un potentiel sous-exploité dans les pays à ressources limitées. Download
Druetz, T., Haddad, S., Kouanda, S., & Ridde, V. (2013). Les enfants de moins de 5 ans sont rarement conduits à un agent de santé communautaire lorsqu’ils présentent de la fièvre. Download
Zongo, S., Ridde, V., & Haddad, S. (2013). Les tests de diagnostic rapide du paludisme sont utiles, mais ils ne sont pas toujours disponibles ni pris en compte pour le diagnostic et les prescriptions. Download
Fregonese, F., Haddad, S., Druetz, T., Kuanda, S., & Ridde, V. (2013). La concentration des enfants malades dans les familles et son implication pour le dépistage et le traitement des fratries, (Figure 1), 1–3. Download
Druetz, T., Bonnet, E., Ridde, V., Kouanda, S., & Haddad, S. (2013). Les implications pratiques des variations micro-territoriales de la transmission du paludisme pour la planification des interventions, 1–3. Download


Knowledge brokering

Research and community-based interventions for health equity in Burkina Faso project

Axes de recherche et d'intervention


First Québec cross-disciplinary group devoted to studying knowledge transfer (KT) in the field of social interventions, specifically with regard to educational, health and community services.

First Québec cross-disciplinary group devoted to studying knowledge transfer (KT) in the field of social interventions, specifically with regard to educational, health and community services.



Canadian Institute of Health Research

The knoledge broker’s blog (french)

Axis Knowledge Transfer

What is knowledge brokering ?

Brokering knowledge makes the project’s results (and those of other research projects) easily accessible to stakeholders and policy makers when assessing their needs and providing relevant and appropriate information. The knowledge broker’s task is to assist stakeholders of Kaya as of the beginning of the program. He will also have the opportunity to put their skills to the services of national decision makers as of early 2014. The broker’s work, which is an intervention in itself, is evaluated within the context of the research program.

Knowledge brokering : Reports

Some, D. T. (2014). Lettre du courtier (année 1, no1). Ouagadougou. Download
Some, D. T. (2014). Lettre du courtier (année 1, no2). Ouagadougou. Download
Some, D. T., Ridde, V., & Dagenais, C. (2014). Les politiques de subvention/exemption de paiement au Burkina Faso. Download
Some, D. T., Lane, J., Ridde, V., Dagenais, C., & Chiocchio, F. (2014). Comment stimuler l’utilisation de la moustiquaire imprégnée d’insecticide au Burkina Faso ? (pp. 1–4). Download