Community Resources for All

Our community resources guide is finally available! This guide is intended for all immigrants who are not a permanent resident or a Canadian citizen. Services are provided without immigration documents or proof of residence. Food, clothing, immigration, health and activities for everyone free of charge! Social Work students from McGill University, under the supervision of Dr. Jill Hanley, phoned the various agencies in Montreal to ensure the services provided. The guide is also available in French and Spanish. Thank you to all the people who contributed to its realization! (more…)

Development of a tool for planning and evaluating action research on health in Burkina Faso

Research Note of Bony AKA Roger Sylvestre, Ludovic QUEUILLE, Fatimata PILABRE, Noufou ZIDWEMBA and Valery RIDDE on developing a tool for planning and evaluating an action research on health in Burkina Faso.

The authors thank the health authorities of the regional directorate of health Sahel – Burkina Faso, and all stakeholders who took part in this action research (list below).

Télécharger (PDF, 945KB)

List of stakeholders:

Télécharger (PDF, 127KB)

Suggested citation:

Aka, B. R. S., Queuille, L., Pilabre, F., Zidwemba, N., & Ridde, V. (2015). Development of a tool for planning and evaluating action research on health in Burkina Faso. IRSPUM / HELP / ECHO. Download

Presence of dengue fever in semi-urban areas of two health districts in Burkina Faso

The global incidence of dengue has grown dramatically in recent decades. In Burkina Faso, the last description of acute cases was back in 1982. During an annual population-based survey in Kaya and Zorgho, two semi-urban areas, febrile individuals from 0-10 years old were evaluated for malaria and dengue virus (DENV). Rapid tests were performed and additional samples on filter paper were taken from every patient with a positive result and every tenth negative, to perform reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assays. From 259 children (150 in Kaya and 109 in Zorgho), 52.1% were positive for malaria and 6.9% for dengue while 45.2% remained undifferentiated. The RT-PCR results show the presence of DENV2 and DENV4. These findings reveal the presence of DENV in the country and the need to conduct research and actions on non-malaria febrile diseases in the region. (more…)


Latest researches & publications

Out-of-pocket payments in the context of a free maternal health care policy in Burkina Faso: a national cross-sectional survey

This article presents the results of a study conducted by Ivlabèhiré Bertrand Meda, Adama Baguiya, Valéry Ridde, Henri Gautier Ouédraogo, Alexandre Dumont and Seni Kouanda in 2016 in Burkina Faso following the implementation of a free health care policy for women. It was published in Health Economics Review in march 2019.  read more…

HSR 2018 Liverpool: a summary of our interventions on health systems research

The Global Symposium on Health Systems Research is organized every two years by Health Systems Global to bring together the full range of players involved in health systems and policy research and practice. Valéry Ridde and several collaborators, researchers and students, presented some of their work at the Fifth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research (HSR2018) held in Liverpool from October 8th to October 12h, 2018. All the presentations are available hereunder. read more…

Performance-based financing in low-income and middle-income countries: isn’t it time for a rethink?

Performance-based financing in low-income and middle-income countries: isn’t it time for a rethink?This article is a collaboration between researchers, academics and public health experts from Europe, North America and Africa, working with recipient governments, in research centres and donor organisations, or as individual experts. It presents a critical perspective on how performance-based financing (PBF) is actually implemented and questions the view that PBF in the health sector is an effective, efficient and equitable approach to improving the performance of health systems in low-income and middle-income countries. It was published in january 2018 in BMJ Global Health. read more…

Donor-funded project’s sustainability assessment: a qualitative case study of a results-based financing pilot in Koulikoro region, Mali.

This study was just published in the Globalization and Health Journal. The authors, Mathieu Seppey, Valéry Ridde, Laurence Touré and Abdourahmane Coulibaly aimed to understand a pilot project’s sustainability process and to assess its level of sustainability. The project’s objective was to improve demand and supply of health services through financing performance.

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Welcome to , research sharing site on public health interventions , particularly in a global health context.

Here you will find the scientific work and thoughts of Valery Ridde , his fellow researchers and students.


This collection of research documents deals with community-based health interventions in low-income countries and/or with issues concerning the more vulnerable populations in these countries and in Canada.