Technological solutions for an effective health surveillance system for road traffic crashes in Burkina Faso

Global Health Action journal coverThis article, written by Emmanuel Bonnet, Aude Nikiéma, Zoumana Traoré, Salifou Sidbega and Valéry Ridde, was published on June 2nd, 2017, in the Volume 10, issue 1 of the Global Health Action Journal. It presents the methodology and implementation of, and quality of results produced by, technological solutions for a road traffic crash and trauma surveillance system in the city of Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso. (more…)

Implementation Science and Global Health: From theory to practice in West Africa

 Implementation Science and global health in west africa Symposium April 14 Flyer

This presentation was designed by Valéry Ridde for a Symposium organised by the Global Health Program at the San Diego State University’s Graduate School of Public Health. The Symposium was held on April 14, 2017 at San Diego State University. After coming back on a few definitions about implementation science, the presentation focuses on the methodological approach to implementation and on its outcomes. The presentation ends with 11 points which everyone should know about implementation.

Global Health Workshop: Methods For Implementation Science in Global Health

McGill Global Health Programs is proud to partner with the Université de Montréal Chair REALISME (Interventional applied research in global health and equity).

Implementation science is not implementation research (use of evidence for intervention); it’s about mobilizing theories, concepts and methods to better understand what, why, and how interventions work in a “real world” setting (Ridde V. BMJ Glob Health 2016;1:e000115). But it is more easily stated than accomplished!


Use of concurrent mixed methods combining concept mapping and focus groups to adapt a health equity tool in Canada

Cover of evaluation and program planning volume 61This article is set to be published on April 2017 in the Volume 61 of Evaluation and Program Planning and is already available online in open access. It was written by Anne Guichard, Émilie Tardieu, Christian Dagenais, Kareen Nour, Ginette Lafontaine and Valéry Ridde and it focuses on the combined use of concept mapping and focus groups to adapt a health equity tool in Canada. You can download the article hereunder. (more…)