Research and community-based interventions for health equity in Burkina Faso project

Axes de recherche et d'intervention


First Québec cross-disciplinary group devoted to studying knowledge transfer (KT) in the field of social interventions, specifically with regard to educational, health and community services.

First Québec cross-disciplinary group devoted to studying knowledge transfer (KT) in the field of social interventions, specifically with regard to educational, health and community services.



Canadian Institute of Health Research

The knoledge broker’s blog (french)

Axis Knowledge Transfer

What is knowledge brokering ?

Brokering knowledge makes the project’s results (and those of other research projects) easily accessible to stakeholders and policy makers when assessing their needs and providing relevant and appropriate information. The knowledge broker’s task is to assist stakeholders of Kaya as of the beginning of the program. He will also have the opportunity to put their skills to the services of national decision makers as of early 2014. The broker’s work, which is an intervention in itself, is evaluated within the context of the research program.

Knowledge brokering : Reports

Some, D. T. (2014). Lettre du courtier (année 1, no1). Ouagadougou. Download
Some, D. T. (2014). Lettre du courtier (année 1, no2). Ouagadougou. Download
Some, D. T., Ridde, V., & Dagenais, C. (2014). Les politiques de subvention/exemption de paiement au Burkina Faso. Download
Some, D. T., Lane, J., Ridde, V., Dagenais, C., & Chiocchio, F. (2014). Comment stimuler l’utilisation de la moustiquaire imprégnée d’insecticide au Burkina Faso ? (pp. 1–4). Download