Research Note of Bony AKA Roger Sylvestre, Ludovic QUEUILLE, Fatimata PILABRE, Noufou ZIDWEMBA and Valery RIDDE on developing a tool for planning and evaluating an action research on health in Burkina Faso.

The authors thank the health authorities of the regional directorate of health Sahel – Burkina Faso, and all stakeholders who took part in this action research (list below).

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List of stakeholders:

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Suggested citation:

Aka, B. R. S., Queuille, L., Pilabre, F., Zidwemba, N., & Ridde, V. (2015). Development of a tool for planning and evaluating action research on health in Burkina Faso. IRSPUM / HELP / ECHO. Download