Feb 13, 2018 | equity of access to healthcare, health policy analysis
This article is a collaboration between researchers, academics and public health experts from Europe, North America and Africa, working with recipient governments, in research centres and donor organisations, or as individual experts. It presents a critical perspective on how performance-based financing (PBF) is actually implemented and questions the view that PBF in the health sector is an effective, efficient and equitable approach to improving the performance of health systems in low-income and middle-income countries. It was published in january 2018 in BMJ Global Health. (more…)
Feb 21, 2017 | health policy analysis
Valéry Ridde and several collaborators of the Chair REALISME, researchers and students, presented some of their work at the Fourth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research (HSR2016) held in Vancouver from November 14th to November 18th, 2016. All our collaborators presentations are available hereunder. (more…)
Nov 18, 2016 | health policy analysis, research methodology
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Last Wednesday, November 16, Valéry Ridde and her colleagues Manuela De Allegri, Quan Nha Hong, Anne-Marie Turcotte-Tremblay and Nicolas Ortiz Ruis organized a session on mixed methods at HSR 2016 (Fourth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research), which took place in Vancouver throughout the whole week. The session, entitled “Application and challenges to the use of mixed methods in health systems research” was presented under the theme “Future learning and evaluation approaches for health system development”.
Through a mix of presentations and active group participatory approaches, this session aimed at identifying experiences, challenges, and solutions related to the application of mixed methods protocols in health systems research across a variety of settings in high, low and middle income countries.
With more than 60 participants, this session was a success, and the presentations made during this session are presented below, at the request of the participants.
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For references, you can refer to our wikitools here (or here in its french version), as well as the ARPH paper: Pierre Pluye & Quan Nha Hong (2014). Combining the power of stories and the power of numbers: Mixed Methods Research and Mixed Studies Reviews. Annual Review of Public Health, 35:29-45. A webinar on mixed-methods published online by the International Institute for Qualitative Methodology is also available here.
It can be downloaded free of charge here. Please note that this URL is for your own personal use: “Any further/multiple distribution, publication, or commercial usage of this copyrighted material requires submission of a permission request addressed to the Copyright Clearance Center“. The review was submitted to Systematic Reviews (open access journal) but is not published yet.