Feb 21, 2017 | health policy analysis

Valéry Ridde and several collaborators of the Chair REALISME, researchers and students, presented some of their work at the Fourth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research (HSR2016) held in Vancouver from November 14th to November 18th, 2016. All our collaborators presentations are available hereunder. (more…)
Dec 14, 2016 | equity of access to healthcare, health policy analysis, research methodology
Congratulations to Esther McSween-Cadieux on receiving the best poster on the theme of “New Partnerships and Collaborations for Health Systems Research and Development” at the HSR 2016 Symposium, held November 14-18 in Vancouver, . A total of 16 prizes were awarded for nearly 500 posters presented at the conference. The complete list of posters is available here. The poster focuses on the evaluation of a deliberative dialogue on road safety in Burkina Faso, and can be downloaded below.
Nov 2, 2016 | health policy analysis