Effects of user fee exemption on healthcare utilization among children in Burkina Faso

social science and medicine coverThis article, originally titled “Immediate and sustained effects of user fee exemption on healthcare utilization among children under five in Burkina Faso: A controlled interrupted time-series analysis”, will be published in April 2017 in Volume 179 of the journal Social Science & Medicine and was authored by David Zombré, Manuela De Allegri, and Valéry Ridde.

The article is freely available online here untill April 18th. 

A qualitative case study of evaluation use in the context of a collaborative program evaluation strategy in Burkina Faso

This article published in Health Research Policy and Systems was written by Léna D’Ostie-Racine, Christian Dagenais and Valéry Ridde who all together conceptualized and designed the research project. This paper is a qualitative case study of evaluation use by NGOs in the context of a collaborative program evaluation strategy in Burkina Faso.


Background: Program evaluation is widely recognized in the international humanitarian sector as a means to make interventions and policies more evidence based, equitable, and accountable. Yet, little is known about the way humanitarian non-governmental organizations (NGOs) actually use evaluations.

Methods: The current qualitative evaluation employed an instrumental case study design to examine evaluation use (EU) by a humanitarian NGO based in Burkina Faso. This organization developed an evaluation strategy in 2008 to document the implementation and effects of its maternal and child healthcare user fee exemption program. Program evaluations have been undertaken ever since, and the present study examined the discourses of evaluation partners in 2009 (n = 15) and 2011 (n = 17). Semi-structured individual interviews and one group interview were conducted to identify instances of EU over time. Alkin and Taut’s (Stud Educ Eval 29:1–12, 2003) conceptualization of EU was used as the basis for thematic qualitative analyses of the different forms of EU identified by stakeholders of the exemption program in the two data collection periods.

Results: Results demonstrated that stakeholders began to understand and value the utility of program evaluations once they were exposed to evaluation findings and then progressively used evaluations over time. EU was manifested in a variety of ways, including instrumental and conceptual use of evaluation processes and findings, as well as the persuasive use of findings. Such EU supported planning, decision-making, program practices, evaluation capacity, and advocacy.

Conclusions: The study sheds light on the many ways evaluations can be used by different actors in the humanitarian sector. Conceptualizations of EU are also critically discussed.

Suggested citation and download:

D’Ostie-Racine, L., Dagenais, C., & Ridde, V. (2016). A qualitative case study of evaluation use in the context of a collaborative program evaluation strategy in Burkina Faso. Health Research Policy and Systems, 14, 37. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12961-016-0109-0 Download


BMC Health Services Research special issue: User Fee Exemption Policies

BMC Health Services Research on november 6, 2015 a supplement about User fee exemption policies. This supplement was edited Jean-Pierre Olivier de Sardan and Valéry Ridde as invited coordinators. Articles in this supplement have been modified from chapters in the book Une politique publique de santé et ses contradictions. La gratuité des soins au Burkina Faso, au Mali et au Niger, J.-P. Olivier de Sardan and V. Ridde (eds), 2014, Karthala, Paris, with the permission of the publisher. (more…)