Valéry Ridde, Maria-Victoria Zunzunegui and Fraçois Lemieux, from the School of Public Health, Montreal University, have contributed to this report about child labour in Afghanistan and published by International Labour Organization (ILO), International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC) and United Nations International Chidren’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF).
This report seeks to provide useful information to assist the development of policy and of practical interventions to protect the safety, health and well-being of children above the minimum working age (14 in Afghanistan) in the brick kilns; to facilitate the removal from child labour of children below that age and access to free basic education for all children under the minimum age and for all children removed from worst forms of child labour. The study also assesses the financial impact of health problems on families, studying the amount of debt owed by families to medical service providers and the types of illness which cause such debt.
You can download the full report on ILO’s website here.