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Reviewers guidelines


Authors are responsible for the scientific quality of their research. The role of the editorial board is to assess the overall quality of the manuscript submitted, and in particular, the clarity of the objective, the logical coherence, the quality of language, and the adherence to ethical procedures. Members of the board may call upon one or more external reviewers.

When reading the manuscripts, reviewers should respond to the following questions:

For all manuscripts:

  • Is the message of the proposed publication clear and explicit? YES / NO
  • Are the arguments coherent? YES / NO
  • Is the manuscript intelligibly written and does it respect the standards of the language used? YES / NO


In addition to the preceding questions, for manuscripts on scientific research:

  • Is there a specific/explicit objective or research question? YES / NO
  • Do the data presented satisfy the objective? YES / NO
  • Was the study approved by an ethics committee? YES / NO


  • Do you recommend publication of the manuscrit? YES without modifications / YES with modifications / NO
  • If YES with modifications: what points should the author(s) improve, given the above-mentioned evaluation questions?

Manuscripts will be accepted or rejected based on the reviewers’ feedback.






Linda François, coordinatrice

+1 – 514­ – 995 – 2403

Editorial board:

Maria José Arauz Galarza

Marie Munoz

Valéry Ridde

Émilie Robert

Emmanuel Sambieni

Sylvie Zongo

Collection coordinator:

Emilie Robert