An action research project providing a toll-free number using an interactive voice server for health services users and professionnals to improve health system governance in Burkina Faso

This presentation was realised by Valéry Ridde, Emmanuel Bonnet, Christian Dagenais, Ludovic Queuille, Zoumana Traoré, Patrice Sanon, Lucie Lechat and Paul-André Somé for the 22nd IUHPE World Conference for health promotion in Curitiba, Brazil (May 2016). It shortly summarizes the context, the objectives and the implementation of the action research project providing a toll-free number in Burkina Faso to improve health system governance.


Development of a tool for planning and evaluating action research on health in Burkina Faso

Research Note of Bony AKA Roger Sylvestre, Ludovic QUEUILLE, Fatimata PILABRE, Noufou ZIDWEMBA and Valery RIDDE on developing a tool for planning and evaluating an action research on health in Burkina Faso.

The authors thank the health authorities of the regional directorate of health Sahel – Burkina Faso, and all stakeholders who took part in this action research (list below).

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List of stakeholders:

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Suggested citation:

Aka, B. R. S., Queuille, L., Pilabre, F., Zidwemba, N., & Ridde, V. (2015). Development of a tool for planning and evaluating action research on health in Burkina Faso. IRSPUM / HELP / ECHO. Download