Effectiveness of demand generation interventions on use of modern contraceptives in low- and middle-income countries

coverThis article was published in open access on August 17, 2016 in the journal Tropical Medicine & International Health. It was authored by Loubna Belaid, Alexandre Dumont, Nils Chaillet, Amel Zertal, Vincent de Brouwere, Sennen Hounton & Valéry Ridde and can be downloaded at the bottom of this page, after its abstract or directly on the journal’s website. (more…)

Does performance-based financing increase value for money in low- and middle- income countries? A systematic review

health economic review

This article was published on July 29th 2016 in Health Economics Review and written by Anne-Marie Turcotte-Tremblay, Jessica Spagnolo, Manuela De Allegri and Valéry Ridde. It is a systematic review that examines whether performance-based financing (PBF) represents an efficient manner of investing resources in order to improve healthcare services. (more…)

Impact of donor-driven health financing policies on perceived quality of services in Sub-Saharan Africa: A scoping review

This presentation realised by Lara Gautier & Valéry Ridde for the 9th Pan-European Conference on International Relations – Wednesday 23 – Saturday 26 September 2015, Giardini Naxos, Sicily, Italy, treats about a scoping review of the impact of donor-driven health financing policies on perceived quality of services in Sub-Saharan Africa.