Last March 2, 2017, at the University of Valle in Cali, Colombia, the VERDAS consortium research project presented its research results, a synthesis of knowledge on urban health interventions for the prevention and control of vector-borne diseases.
The knowledge synthesis project on urban health interventions for prevention and control of vector diseases and other infectious diseases in the context of poverty has obtained ethical approval. This project, funded by the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR) of the World Health Organization, enabled the establishment of an international research consortium spread between Canada , Colombia, Brazil, Burkina Faso and France.
Highly participatory and interactive, this workshop will bring together participants from both scientific and policy-based institutions to enable knowledge exchange and to identify research priorities regarding urban health interventions for the control of vectorborne and other infectious diseases of the poverty, based on evidence on knowledge gaps identified in the reviews performed by the VERDAS consortium.
3 Specific aims:
- To enable knowledge exchange among participants in order to supplement the reviews
- To identify research priorities, based on findings from scoping reviews
- To prepare policy briefs for each scoping review topic
A public conference called “Meet the experts” was held for closing the workshop in which 3 presentations designed by MARIAM OTMANI DEL BARRIO, Technical Advisor, Vectors, Environment and Society Unit of the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases at WHO (Geneva, Switzerland), ZAIDA YADON, Regional Advisor on Communicable Diseases Research, Communicable Diseases and Health Analysis Department. Pan American Health Organization (Washington, D.C., USA) and ANTONIO SILVA LIMA NETO, Coordinator of Epidemiological Surveillance of Municipal Health Department of Fortaleza, Cearâ, Brazil, were given.