Oct 24, 2016 | equity of access to healthcare, health policy analysis, social inequalities in health
This article, first published online on October 22, 2016 in the Health Policy & Planning Journal, was co-written by Aline Philibert, Marion Ravit, Vale ́ry Ridde, Inès Dossa, Emmanuel Bonnet, Florent Bedecarrats and Alexandre Dumont and is a quasi experimental before-and-after study about the maternal and neonatal health impact of obstetrical risk insurance scheme in Mauritania. The artice is available to download below. (more…)
Feb 9, 2016 | equity of access to healthcare, health policy analysis, social inequalities in health
This study was published in Health Poilicy and Planning on February 7, 2016.
Authors: Nicole Atchessi1,*, Valéry Ridde1 and Maria-Victoria Zunzunegui1
Dec 17, 2015 | equity of access to healthcare, health policy analysis
This paper was published on December 15, 2015 in BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. This cross-sectional mixed methods study was conducted in Nouna Health District, Burkina Faso, and is about understanding home delivery in a context of user fee reduction in Africa.
Manuela de Allegri, Justin Tiendrebéogo, Olaf Müller, Maurice Yé, Albrecht Jahn and Valéry Ridde all contributed to this work. (more…)