Access to health care for uninsured migrants (those with precarious status, often undocumented) is difficult. In partnership with Médecins du Monde, the research project on uninsured migrants in Montreal seeks to improve access to care for this population by studying their health status and understanding the social barriers determining it.

Logo médecins du monde pour projet uninsured migrants

The two first presentations were designed for the 19th National Metropolis Conference held in Montreal from March 16 to March 18, 2017. The first one, presented by Jill hanley and Magalie Benoit, focuses on the health status of uninsured migrants in Montreal in order to improve their access to care. The second presentation, realised by Pénélope Boudreault, presents the challenges of meeting the health needs of uninsured migrants in a medical clinic run by an NGO (Médecins du monde).

The third presentation was designed by Marie Munoz for the sixth annual conference of McGill’s Comparative Health Systems Program and focuses on women’s health.