Development of participant recruitment strategy in the project “How to improve health and access to health care of migrants without medical coverage in Montreal” – the case of the Chinese community.

This thesis was written by Ke Zhou as part of his Master’s Degree in Public Health at the École des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique (EHESP) in Rennes, France, carried out between 2014 and 2016. This report comes from his Development and implementation of recruitment strategies with hard-to-reach communities, conducted under the tutelage of Valéry Ridde at the Institute of Public Health Research at the University of Montreal (IRSPUM), as part of the research project on access to healthcare for migrants without medical insurance in Montreal.


Access to health care for the ‘worst-off’ in Burkina Faso: 15 years of research

This presentation is an attempt to summarize some of the major evidences that Valéry Ridde and his colleagues have accumulated the past 15 years of research on access to health care for the ‘worst-off’ in Burkina Faso. It was presented at the 9th European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health.

Health policy and contradictions. Free care in Burkina Faso , Mali, and Niger

Featured Book release: CIHR-IPPH Applied Public Health Chair holder, Valéry Ridde

By: Valéry Ridde, Associate Professor, Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, School of Public Health, University of Montreal

Une politique de santé et ses contradictions. La gratuité des soins au Burkina Faso, au Mali, et au Niger (only in French)  (more…)

Extension publications and misconceptions

Access to healthcare for vulnerable groups in West Africa

Knowledge transfer - Extension publications and misconceptions

Sans titre

Ridde, V., & Queuille, L. (2010). L’exemption du paiement : un pas vers l’accès universel aux soins de santé - Expériences pilotes au Burkina Faso. Download

All sheets (french only) :


Ridde, V., & Queuille, L. (2013). Idée reçue 3 : les soins gratuits deresponsabilisent les populations et ne sont pas valorisés. Download
Ridde, V., & Queuille, L. (2013). Idée reçue 9 : “Les États africains n’ont pas les moyens de s’offrir la gratuité des soins !” (pp. 2012–2013). Download
Ridde, V., & Queuille, L. (2013). Idée reçue 7 : “Rendre les accouchements gratuits va provoquer une hausse des naissances !” Download
Ridde, V., & Queuille, L. (2013). Idée reçue 8 : “Les États africains ne sont pas capable de mettre en oeuvre la gratuité des soins !” Download
Ridde, V., & Queuille, L. (2013). Idée reçue 4 : “Quand les soins sont gratuits, la qualité est mauvaise !” Download
Ridde, V., & Queuille, L. (2013). Gratuité des soins en Afrique subsaharienne : en finir avec certaines idées reçues. OXFAM / CRCHUM / HELP. Download
Ridde, V., & Queuille, L. (2013). Idée reçue 2 : “La gratuité des soins ne profite pas a ceux qui en ont le plus besoin !” Download
Ridde, V., & Queuille, L. (2013). Idée reçue 6 : “La gratuité de soins entraîne la faillite des centres de santé !” Download
Ridde, V., & Queuille, L. (2013). Idée reçue 1 : “Il faut absolument une participation financière, aussi infime soit-elle !” Download
Ridde, V., & Queuille, L. (2013). Idée reçue 5 : “La gratuité des soins entraîne une surcharge de travail insurmontable pour le personnel de santé !” Download

Financing and access to health care in West Africa: empirical data, cartoons and received ideas.

Made by the designer Glez, this series of cartoon focuses on preconceived ideas that people can have about the implementation of free health care and health insurance coverage in Sub-Saharan Africa.

You will find under the flipbook a gallery of the caricatural pictures which the flipbook is made of and on the left of the page a complete brochure introducing a series of nine sheets aiming to show with evidences, how certain ideas about the principle of free care we regularly hear in the context of our knowledge transfer activities are lazy thoughts.



Flipbook: Healthcare financing and access in West Africa: Empirical and satirical!