Mining revenue and access to health care in Africa: could the revenue drawn from well-managed mining sectors finance exemption from payment for health?
This article published on August 12th 2015 in Development in Practice and written by Valéry Ridde, Bonnie Campbell and Andréanne Martel is about mining revenue and access to health care in Africa and adresses the question if the revenue drawn from well-managed mining sectors finance exemption from payment for health. (more…)
The elimination of healthcare user fees for children under five substantially alleviates the burden on household expenses in Burkina Faso
This article about the consequences of the elimination of healthcare user fees for children under five on household expenses in Burkina Faso has just been published in BMC Health Services Research on august 8th 2015. (more…)
Health policy and contradictions. Free care in Burkina Faso , Mali, and Niger
Featured Book release: CIHR-IPPH Applied Public Health Chair holder, Valéry Ridde
By: Valéry Ridde, Associate Professor, Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, School of Public Health, University of Montreal
Une politique de santé et ses contradictions. La gratuité des soins au Burkina Faso, au Mali, et au Niger (only in French) (more…)
Utilization of community health workers for malaria treatment : results from a three-year panel study in the districts of Kaya and Zorgho, Burkina Faso
An article of Thomas Druetz, Valéry Ridde, Seni Kouanda, Antarou Ly, Souleymane Diabaté and Slim Haddad published in Malaria Journal on february 13, 2015.
Background: Malaria is holo-endemic in Burkina Faso and causes approximately 40,000 deaths every year. In 2010, health authorities scaled up community case management of malaria with artemisinin-based combination therapy. Previous trials and pilot project evaluations have shown that this strategy may be feasible, acceptable, and effective under controlled implementation conditions. However, little is known about its effectiveness or feasibility/acceptability under real-world conditions of implementation at national scale. (more…)