Protocol for a systematic review on the effect of demand generation interventions on uptake and use of modern contraceptives in LMIC

This article was published in Systematic Reviews in September 2015. The authors of this systematic review, Loubna Belaid, Alexandre Dumont, Nils Chaillet, Vincent De Brouwere, Amel Zertal, Sennen Hounton and Valéry Ridde, seek to assess the impact of demand generation interventions as a strategy to improve uptake and use of contraception in low- and middle-income countries. The entire article is available to download after its abstract hereunder.


REALISME Papers – Number 6: Implementation and effects of demand generation interventions in low- and middle-income family planning programs: A systematic review

Issue 6 of the REALISME Papers, written by Loubna Belaid, Alexandre Dumont, Nils Chaillet, Amel Zertal, Vincent De Brouwere and Valery Ridde, is available online.

This number is a systematic review on the topic of the implementation and effects of demand generation interventions in low- and middle-income family planning programs and is now available hereunder and free to download. (more…)