Aug 23, 2016 | equity of access to healthcare, health policy analysis
This note is intended for health professionals and officials from the Ministry of Health of Burkina Faso. It summarizes current research findings on dengue in Ouagadougou. This note was published 2016, august and redacted by Yaro S, Carabali M, Lim J, Dahourou D, Kagone ST, Nikiema TJ, Barro SA, Philibert A. et Ridde V.. It was funded by Dengue Vaccine Initiative (DVI), International Vaccine institute (IVI) & the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR, ROH 115213). (more…)
Jul 11, 2016 | health policy analysis
This article written by Valéry Ridde, Lucie Lechat and Ivlabehire Bertrand Meda was published on the BMJ Global Health Journal on July 7th 2016. The article is about the resilience of the Burkina Faso’s health system following the terrorist attack of January 15th 2016 in Ouagadougou. The article is published in open acces and is available to download under its abstract. (more…)
Nov 10, 2014 | health policy analysis
As other febrile diseases, dengue was considered as differential diagnosis due the presence of the vector and previous DENV reports in Burkina Faso. To explore the virus presence in acute febrile non-malaria cases and Aedes mosquitoes in Ouagadougou, an exploratory cross sectional study was performed from December 2013 to January 2014. Five sectors and six correspondent health care centers (CSPS) were selected based on reported presence of Flavivirus. A survey about symptoms was administered to the participants and finger pricks were used to obtain the samples. Each CSPS tested every febrile non-malaria patient for dengue using dengue rapid tests (SD Bioline DengueDuo). Blood spots were collected in filter paper from all positive results and every tenth negative for further PCR analyses. A parallel entomological survey was conducted in the CSPS’s corresponding sectors. From a total of 379 tested patients, 33 (8.7%) were positive for rapid test (60% both IgM/IgG; 21% just IgG and 5% just NS1). From 60 samples tested by RT-PCR, 15 were positive (9 from positive rapid test and 6 from the subsample of negative results). The serotypes observed were DENV2, DENV3 and DENV4. There was no DENV in the analyzed mosquitoes’ sample.These findings have important public health implications in order to prepare the health system and the population for dengue’s presence and outbreaks prevention. (more…)
Aug 21, 2014 | Uncategorized
First Québec cross-disciplinary group devoted to studying knowledge transfer (KT) in the field of social interventions, specifically with regard to educational, health and community services.
Canadian Institute of Health Research
The knoledge broker’s blog (french)
Developing a System to Monitor Road Accidents in Ouagadougou to Reduce Accident Burden
Traffic accidents have become a worldwide public health issue since the late 20th century. Today, they cause as many victims as major pandemics such as malaria and tuberculosis, and are the leading cause of death in the world in people between 10 and 45 years old. In Africa, death by road accident is the 5th leading cause of death, while it is in the 10th place worldwide (WHO, 2013). Burkina Faso and its capital Ouagadougou are experiencing this new public health burden. The number of accidents with injuries is increasing every year.
One of the research questions in the Trauma axis of the equity program is to know where the road accidents with injury are most frequent in Ouagadougou so as to identify and understand the spatial differentiation of this burden as well as to define the victims’ profile. How are they supported by first aid and hospital emergency services? How are victims being monitored by physicians? What are the economic consequences for these people?
The overall objective of this research’s axis is to understand the needs of vulnerable road users in order to fight against this burden. Several surveys will be undertaken to achieve this and will form the basis in the process of defining a community intervention that will aim to reduce the vulnerability of populations most at risk.
Publication (french)
Bonnet, E., Nikiema, A., & Lechat, L. (2014).
Développer un système de surveillance des accidents de la route à Ouagadougou pour en diminuer le fardeau.