
A tool-kit for the evaluation of sustainability processes and
sustainability levels of public health programs and projects



(1) Pluye, P., Potvin, L. & Denis, J.-L. (2004). Making public health programs last : conceptualizing sustainability. Evaluation and Program Planning, 27, 2, 121-133. (DOWNLOAD)

(2) Pluye, P., Potvin, L. & Denis, J.-L. (2004). Corrigendum [Making public health programs last: conceptualizing sustainability]. Evaluation and Program Planning, 27, 4, 453. (DOWNLOAD)

(3) Pluye, P., Potvin, L., Denis, J.-L. & Pelletier, J. (2004). Program sustainability : focus on organizational routines. Health Promotion International, 19, 4, 489-498. (DOWNLOAD)

(4) Pluye, P., Potvin, L., Denis, J.-L., Pelletier, J. & Mannoni, C. (2005). Program sustainability begins with the first events. Evaluation and Program Planning, 28, 2, 123-137. (DOWNLOAD)

(5) Ridde, V. & Bailat, S. (2005). Projet de lutte contre la malnutrition infantile dans le département du Sud 2003-2005. Rapport d’évaluation. Terre des Hommes. 56 pages. (DOWNLOAD)

(6) Ridde, V., Pluye, P., & Queuille, L. (2006). Évaluer la pérennité des programmes de santé publique : un outil et son application en Haïti. Revue d’Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique, 54(5), 421–431. (DOWNLOAD)

(7) Ridde, V., Pluye, P. & Queuille, L. (2006, Juin). A tool-kit for program sustainability evaluation. Communication présentée à la 5th Nordic Health Promotion Research Conference, Esbjerg, Danemark. (DOWNLOAD)

Others :

Samb, O. M., Ridde, V., & Queuille, L. (2013). Quelle pérennité pour les interventions pilotes de gratuité des soins au Burkina Faso ? Tiers Monde, 215, 73–91. Download
Bélanger, M. (2014). Comment améliorer la pérennisation des projets de Desarrollo? Des lignes directrices pour cet organisme oeuvrant en Bolivie [Mémoire]. Université de Sherbrooke. Download
Beaudet, N. (2016, Janvier). Soutenir les mamans immigrantes. Perspective infirmière, 13 (1). 52-55. (DOWNLOAD)

Tool 2: Sustainability level

A tool-kit for the evaluation of sustainability processes and
sustainability levels of public health programs and projects

TOOL 2. Sustainability level

Step 1 (collection): Complete as many Tool 2 forms as necessary (e.g. one form per interview).
Step 2 (synthesis): Complete one Tool 2 form (synthesis-table) per organization or organization type).

See the How to use Tool 2 section.

Concerning the program/project Yes No Indicators (Justify your yes/no answers)
Memory (specific indicators)
Financial resources of the organization
Human resources of the organization
Material resources of the organization
Other resources of the organization
Adaptation (specific indicators)
Adaptation to the context
Adaptation to the effects
Barriers to adaptation
Values (specific indicators)
Coherence with the organization’s objectives
Symbols in the organization
Rituals in the organization
Specific language or jargon
Rules (specific indicators)
Nomination of a supervisor from the organization
Inclusion in the organization’s planning
Tasks description
Written procedures
Institutional standards (specific indicators)
Accordance with public policy

Printable version of Tool 2

Tool 1: Sustainability process

A tool-kit for the evaluation of sustainability processes and
sustainability levels of public health programs and projects

TOOL 1: Sustainability process


Step 1 (collection): Complete as many Tool 1 forms as necessary (e.g. one form per interview)Step 2 (synthesis): Complete one Tool 1 form (synthesis-table) per organization or organization type). See the How to use Tool 1 section.


Concerning the program/project Events (e.g. actions taken) Favourable Unfavourable
Specific sustainability events
Stabilization of organizational resources
Organizational risk-taking
Joint sustainability and implementation events
Incentives or benefits for people involved
Adaptation of the activities
Objectives fit with those of the organization
Transparent communication between people involved
Sharing of culture and artefacts with the organization
Integration of rules into those of the organization
Specific implementation events
Investment of adequate resources to complete the activities
Technical or practical compatibility of the activities with those of the organization


Printable version of Tool 1

A tool-kit for the evaluation of sustainability processes and sustainability levels of public health programs and projects

A tool-kit for the evaluation of sustainability processes and
sustainability levels of public health programs and projects


This tool-kit helps you to evaluate, plan, and better understand the sustainability processes and sustainability levels of public health programs and projects.

Why should you use this tool-kit?

In the public health domain, program sustainability has become an increasing concern for all. However, the knowledge concerning programs sustainability is still contradictory and fragmented. This tool kit offers a simple and convenient analytic framework to globally evaluate the sustainability processes and levels of public health programs and projects.

Who is this tool kit intended for?

This tool kit is intended for many types of stakeholders in the field of public health: coordinators, evaluators, managers, managers of public health organizations, teachers, researchers, decision makers.


The notion of sustainability process refers to the processes that allow for the continuation of effects and activities relating to programs and projects. This process begins with the first events that outline a program or a project, i.e. their planning and implementation.

The notion of sustainability level refers to a ‘snapshot’ of the sustainability process at a certain moment in time. The presence of organizational routines makes it possible to evaluate the sustainability level of a program.

Specific terms used in this tool kit are defined in the glossary section.

 Tool kit

This tool kit can help you evaluate the sustainability process (Tool 1) and the sustainability level (Tool 2) of a program or a project.