Chair REALISME (Interventional applied research in global health and equity)
As the United Nations had set targets to be achieved by 2015 on health (Millennium Development Goals: MDGs), estimates show that it will rarely be the case. The chair is part of the post-2015 MDGs reflection in which health-related issues, equity and universal coverage interventions are central.
To develop the emerging field of science in global health establishment to improve the implementation of community interventions to be more effective for health equity. The Chair’s projects are focused on community interventions or any interventions (policies, projects, actions) aimed directly at people, as close to their homes as possible. In an equity perspective, the activities of the Chair are the community health interventions in low-income countries, and / or problems affecting the most vulnerable populations in these countries and in Canada. They are part of the priorities of the Canadian Global Health Research Initiative (GHRI), consolidation of three federal agencies (CIHR, CRDI, DFATD). To fulfill this mission, the Chair focuses on the following research questions:
- What are the most effective community health interventions to improve universal coverage in health and equity?
- How to adapt the implementation of Community actions in different contexts and with the local actors?
- How to encourage support for the most vulnerable populations in resource scarcity contexts and ethical challenges related to their participation?
- What are the challenges of participatory community action in global health and how can they be implemented on a large scale?
- How to organize interactive strategies KT with community stakeholders and government officials?