As part of the 3rd annual meeting of KTNET Africa (knowledge translation Network for Africa), Esther Mc Sween-Cadieux was invited to present her work on the transfer of knowledge in West Africa as an associate of the TC platform.
The meeting was held in Kampala, Uganda from 29 to 30 August 2016 and included researchers from 8 research coalitions funded by WOTRO Netherlands throughout Africa (Ethiopia, Ghana, Senegal, Rwanda, DRC, Burundi, South Africa).
Esther presented several team’s research in its booth named “Innovative packaging and dissemination of health research : Experiences and lessons from West Africa”, which the two posters below were a part of. The first poster (left) is a cover of informations presented by Christian Dagenais at the 2016 Canadia Forum on knowledge mibilization exhibiting reflections from holding several deliberative workshops carried out as part of a research project on the health equity in Burkina Faso. The second poster (right) is a summary of the article “A knowledge brokering program in Burkina Faso (West Africa); reflections from our experience”, recently published in Health Systems & Reform.