
Outil d’autopsie sociale

(version pour cas fatal mineur)

The SA (Social Autopsy) tool is based on the scientific literature, a validated conceptual framework, researchers’ and health professionals’ expertise, and a pilot study. It is the first time that a SA tool has been created for the dengue mortality context. Our work furthers the study on SDH (Social Determinants of Health) and how these are applied to neglected tropical diseases, like dengue. This tool could be integrated in surveillance systems to provide complementary information on the modifiable and avoidable death-related factors and therefore, be able to formulate interventions for dengue mortality reduction.

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Linda François, coordonnatrice

+1 – 514­ – 995 – 2403

Pavillon 7101 Avenue Du Parc
Local 3079
C.P.6128, succ. Centre-ville
Montréal, (Québec) H3C 3J7