Challenges of Zika and Chikungunya transmission
7-18th August 2017

Havana, Cuba

First Announcement
Auspices by

‘Pedro Kourí’ Tropical Medicine Institute (IPK)
Cuban Society of Microbiology & Parasitology (SCMP)
Ministry of Public Health of the Republic of Cuba (MINSAP)
Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)-World Health Organization (WHO)

After 30 years of the first edition of the course and in the framework of the 80 Anniversary of the institute of Tropical medicine, the PAHO/WHO Collaborating Center for the Study of Dengue and its Vector of the Institute of Tropical Medicine/MINSAP, the Cuban Society of Microbiology and Parasitology, the Cuban Ministry of Health and PAHO-WHO announces the 15th edition of the Dengue International Course, in this occasion facing Zika and Chikungunya to be held from 7th-18th August 2017.

During the course, the regional and global dengue, zika and chikungunya epidemiological situation will be updated. Topics related to clinical management, vector control, main scientific advances in pathogenesis, vaccines and antiviral development, new vector control tools, influence of the host genetic as well as the genetic of the vector and the viruses, emergency control, new international initiatives for arbovirus control and prevention among other interesting and important topics will be discussed.

We invite those interested in the topic (physicians, virologists, immunologists, sociologists, epidemiologists, entomologists, health managers, among others) along with professors from several prestigious national and international institutions to debate on the most relevant and updated aspects of these diseases.

Theoretical sessions will be covered during the first week (August 7 to 11) while practical sessions will cover the topics of epidemiology and community participation, clinic and pathology, vector control and entomology, viral diagnosis and immunology during the second week (August 14 to 18).

General topics:

  • Zika, Dengue and Chikungunya global and regional epidemiological situation.
  • International initiatives against the arbovirus co-circulation
  • Integrated dengue surveillance
  • Viral genome and structure. Viral replication and evolution.
  • Clinical picture and pathology. Case definition. Clinical management
  • Impact of the WHO dengue clinical classification.
  • Neurological disorders associated to these viruses
  • Challenges of arbovirus diagnostic and surveillance
  • Immune responses
  • Pathogenesis and physiopathology. Antibody dependent enhancement (ADE).NS1 protein role
  • Genetic host factors
  • Vaccines and vaccination strategies
  • Antivirals
  • Vector ecology
  • Vector dynamic for arboviruses transmission
  • Entomological surveillance.
  • Chemical and biological vector control
  • New tools for vector control
  • Mechanisms of Insecticide Resistance
  • Vector competence
  • Social aspects in the struggle of dengue, zika and chikungunya
  • Mathematical models for dengue and others arbovirus transmission study
  • Integral Strategy (EGI) for dengue prevention and control
  • Ecobiosystem approach for arboviruses control and prevention
  • The community role in vector control.
  • Cost/effectivity of dengue control activities
  • Emergency management for outbreak control
  • Climate change and arboviruses transmission


  • The Course is structured in a theoretical section (first week, 7 to 11 August) and a practical section (second week of the course, August 14 to 18).
  • In the theoretical section, general lectures, round tables and symposia have been scheduled.
  • In the practical section, participants will gather in several groups, according to their interests: clinical care, entomology and vector control, virology/immunology and epidemiology and community participation.
  • Participants will have the opportunity to show their results in a poster session during the first week. Poster characteristics: 94cm wide X 140cm high (vertical position). Deadline for abstract submission: July 1st, 2017.


  • The official languages of the Course: Spanish and English.  Translation in both languages will be available during theoretical sessions

REGISTRATION: Theoretical and Practical Sessions$ 800.00 CUC

  • Includes registration to both theoretical and practical sections, course materials, welcome cocktail and farewell dinner.
  • Participants will have the possibility of attending the theoretical or the practical section only or both.
  • Registration fee for the theoretical section only: 7-11, August, 2017 = $ 500.00CUC.
    Registration fee for practical section only: 14-18, August, 2017 = $ 400.00 CUC
    Registration deadline: 20 July 2017.


For further information contact to:
Prof. María G. Guzmán, MD, MSc, PhD, DrSc.
Director of the PAHO-WHO Collaborating Center for the Study of dengue and its vector.
Director, Center for Research, Diagnostic and References activities, CIDR
“Pedro Kourí” Tropical Medicine Institute (IPK)
Director of the WHO/PAHO Center for the Study of Dengue and its Vector
Phone: (537) 255-3556
Fax: (537) 204-6051