The Global Symposium on Health Systems Research is organized every two years by Health Systems Global to bring together the full range of players involved in health systems and policy research and practice. Valéry Ridde and several collaborators, researchers and students, presented some of their work at the Fifth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research (HSR2018) held in Liverpool from October 8th to October 12h, 2018. All the presentations are available hereunder.
The unintended consequences of combining equity measures with performance-based financing in Burkina Faso
Effets inattendus du financement basé sur les résultats (FBR) dans un district rural : évaluation qualitative au Burkina Faso
Combining methods to explore the contribution of the PBF CoP to policy diffusion in Africa
Comparison of registered and published intervention fidelity assessment in cluster randomised trials of public health interventions in low-and-middle-income countries: systematic review