McGill Global Health Programs is proud to partner with the Université de Montréal Chair REALISME (Interventional applied research in global health and equity).

Implementation science is not implementation research (use of evidence for intervention); it’s about mobilizing theories, concepts and methods to better understand what, why, and how interventions work in a “real world” setting (Ridde V. BMJ Glob Health 2016;1:e000115). But it is more easily stated than accomplished!

This half-day workshop will be an opportunity to learn how to mobilize specific methods to study the implementation of global health interventions. The workshop will begin with a series of short  presentations focusing on an implementation research method and reflections on that method’s utility.  These talks with be followed by a roundtable discussions where participants will have the opportunity to discuss and share experiences with each presenter.


20 april 2017, from 14:00 to 17:00.


Thomson House Ballroom, 3650 rue McTavish,
Montreal, QC, H3A 1Y2, CA.


Price: Free.


Space is limited – Please register.
Global Health Workshop Methods For Implementation Science in Global Health