Thisstudy is available in open access in the Volume 191 of Social Science & Medicine Journal until November 9th, 2017. The authors, Anne-Marie Turcotte-Tremblay, Idriss Ali Gali-Gali, Manuela De Allegri andValéry Ridde documented the unintended consequences of community verifications for performance-based financing in Burkina Faso through a multiple case study of seven healthcare facilities in Burkina Faso.
This article, published on July 3rd, 2017 in the International Journal of Health Planning and Management, was written by ValéryRidde, MauriceYaogo, SylvieZongo, Paul‐AndréSomé & Anne‐MarieTurcotte‐Tremblay. The studyanalysed health care performance-based financingimplementationinBurkinaFaso12monthspost‐launchinlate2014.
This article, written by Emmanuel Bonnet, Aude Nikiéma, Zoumana Traoré, Salifou Sidbega and Valéry Ridde, was published on June 2nd, 2017, in the Volume 10,issue 1 of the Global Health Action Journal. It presents the methodology and implementation of, and quality of results produced by, technological solutions for a road traffic crash and trauma surveillance system in the city of Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso. (suite…)
Implementation and effects of demand generation interventions in low- and middle-income family planning programs: A systematic review
Loubna Belaid, PhD (Correspondance: ) – CRCHUM, Université de Montréal
Alexandre Dumont, Phd – IRD -Université Paris Descartes
Nils Chaillet, Phd – Centre de recherche du CHU Quebec, centre hospitalier de l’Université Laval
Amel Zertal, Msc – Ste Justine Hospital
Vincent de Brouwere, Phd – Institut de Médecine tropicale d’Anvers
Valéry ridde, Phd – Université de Montréal (école de santé publique, IRSPUM)
As part of its family planning strategy, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has commissioned a systematic review on family planning demand generation interventions in lowand middle-income countries (LMIC). The objectives of the review were: to synthesize evidence on the implementation process and costs of demand interventions, and to summarize evidence on their effectiveness in improving uptake of modern contraception methods. Demand generation interventions included in this review were community-based and facilitybased interventions (social demand mobilization, counselling with community health workers or health providers, male motivators), financial mechanisms (voucher schemes, grant and loan funds, cash incentives) and mass media (radio). A Cochrane systematic review was conducted. A meta-analysis and a narrative synthesis were also performed. A total of 20 papers meeting inclusion criteria were included in the review. However, few data were available on the implementation process and the influence of context on demand interventions. The little evidence on implementation showed the importance of the actors (community health workers and health providers) who delivered the interventions. They were able to positively or negatively influence the interventions.
Involving family members during counselling and education activities and increasing the exposure of these activities enhanced the success of demand interventions. Demand interventions were positively associated with an increase of current use, ever use and intention to use modern contraceptive methods. These interventions decreased the unmet need for contraception and the rate of current pregnancies. Furthermore, demand interventions improved knowledge and attitudes towards family planning and improved discussion with partners/husbands on modern contraceptive methods.
Finally, no evidence was available on costs and cost-effectiveness. More research is needed to strengthen the findings of this review and to build evidence on sustainability and scaling up demand interventions by measuring costs and cost-effectiveness.
Keywords : family planning, demand-side interventions, implementation, effects, systematic review, low middle income countries.